Thursday, October 14, 2010


Rong, today had been two years since you left us. As always you are forever in my heart. Love you always.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Rong, on 25 Aug we have lost your cousin Jerald, it is very sad as he had ended his 22 years life. As you know he is such a quiet and reserved boy. I love him and will miss him too. You both are the youngest in the family and have left before us, you both have caused my heart pain and grief. I believe you are in the good hand of our Lord. May Jerald rest in peace.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY - 10/04/10

Times flies very fast, Rong, you are now 21st years old today.

I still miss you. You must be happyily up there with our Lord Jesus.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Rong, it's had been 1 year since you have departed us. It is a sad day for us. You are always in our heart.

Whenever I can't sleep, I will think of you. I do miss you very much.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Beautiful Friend
imikimi - Customize Your World!

Today we had visited you, you have beautiful lovely home in heaven. We miss and remember you always.

Friday, November 14, 2008


It had been 1 month since you left us, we dearly miss you very much. Heard from your mom yesterday that the lorry driver who knocked you down is a drug addict and have no licence. That's terrible of him, he should be locked up forever.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


When you are a little boy, you always asked me whether I am your most favourite nephew, and I always said 'yes". I have 6 nephews and 2 nieces and love everyone of them but you are my favourite one. And I love to bring you out to eat and shop. Remember when you are young I bring you to church service, you are such a little boy then, you love the chicken wings there sold in the canteen. As you eat and walk on the way to the bus stop, there is an crow wanted to snatch your chicken wing and we run up to the bus to avoid the attack and we laugh all the way back home. Remember the time when your grandma and me brought you all 8 of them to Malacca for holiday, you all are so happy. I always treasure and cherish the times I spend with you. You give me this cute little boy photo and asked me to keep in my wallet. I will keep it forever.

Young cute McRon

You never fail to make me happy, you make a card and a Garfield drawing for me, you are a blessing from God.
When young you told me that it is tough and problems to be an adult, do not wish to be one. But my little nephew had grown up, one day you shown me a photo of your girl friend Cassalyn. After I said very pretty and is compatible with you, you are happy and proud of it.

I am very sad when on the 15 oct at 10 pm plus when your dad call to tell me that you had an accident and had passed away. I couldn't believe it that you have left us. Your grandma and me couldn't sleep and I cried the whole night until morning my two eyes were swollen. I was heart pain when I see you in the mortuary. The truth hit me very hard that my dear nephew had taken away by our Lord so fast. You are such a jovial, friendly, helpful, obedient, kind and caring boy and you are only 19 years old. You told me that you wanted to continue study, to pursue your interest. You really break our heart as everybody love you.

We were so sad and angry when we read the newspaper that that you was knocked down by a lorry and the witness had said that the lorry driver didn't stop immediatly after knocking you and had drag you 5 m away. And even reversed the lorry, the driver was even smiling away and is about 20 yrs old. Justice will be done with this driver and God will punish him.

My handsome nephew

It is a blessing that you are in good hand with our Lord Jesus in heaven. I don't believe what people said that you will come back as a moth or insect, if you come back you will be a lovely dove or angel which bring peace and love to everybody. I know that you are an angel now up in heaven, playing music and rejoicing with our Lord Jesus.

A is for always thinking of others
N is for numerous kind acts
G is for going above and beyond
E is for endless devotion
L is for how much you are loved!

One of your favourite song that you love is "I Surrender" by Celine Dion.

Another beloved song which you love is "I JUST WANT TO BE WHERE YOU ARE"


"I just want to be where you are
Dwelling daily in your presence
I don't want to worship from afar
Draw me near to where you are
I just want to be where you are
In your dwelling place forever
Take me to the place where you are
I just want to be with you

I want to be where you are
Dwelling in your presence
Feasting at your table
Surrounded by your glory
In your presence
That's where I always want to be
I just want to be
I just want to be with you"

I believe you do want all your love ones to be save.

You will be forever in my heart my dearest nephew and I love you McRon. One day I will meet you in heaven when my time comes and our Lord take me up.